Protecting Blasphemers is an annual panel discussion highlighting the most recent blasphemy issues of the year. We aim to discover the areas where the global secular community can work together to build support mechanisms to protect blasphemers running from persecution. Each year we also pay our respects to a fellow atheist activist we lost. This year’s event is in loving memory of Matt Kovach of Atheist Alliance International.
Protecting Blasphemers IV Panel will be held on Zoom: Saturday, December 10th, 2022, at 4pm EST.
This year’s speakers are; THE “SECULAR 5.” This team consists of directors of the five leading atheist refugee assistance programs around the globe. Secular Rescue program of CFI U.S., Atheist Support Network of Atheist Alliance International, Secular Underground Network, Atheist Refugee Relief Program, and Atheist Refugee Assistance Program of Ateizm Dernegi International.
You will hear from Matthew Cravatta, Tonoy Emroz, Maarten Freriks, and other leading activists.
The event will be hosted by CFIC’s Human Rights Chair Onur Romano.
Please register for this event through Eventbrite.