Protecting Blasphemers: 2024 Panel Discussion
Protecting Blasphemers tackles the pressing blasphemy-related issues of the year
Each year, beginning on Giving Tuesday, CFIC launches its annual appeal for funds. While this year’s appeal will run approximately the same course as it has in previous years, the need for support has never been greater. The political tide has turned. Around the world, right-wing governments, often backed by fundamental religious groups, are being…
Read More “CFIC Launching our Annual Appeal December 3 2024” »
Sandra Dunham I’m sure many readers are pondering this question. The truth is, we won’t know for several years whether the impact of the U.S. election will have lasting effects on democracy in that nation and around the world. However, even before Trump was elected for a second time, I have often asked myself “Is…
For the past 40 years, Renton Patterson has worked tirelessly to change the province of Ontario’s discriminatory practice of financially supporting a school system for people of the Catholic faith. Over these years Patterson compiled extensive information about the effects of funding Catholic School boards, including the social, financial, and human rights costs, and founded…
CFIC has recieved a very generous donation for the purpose of researching the needs of non-religious prisoners in Canada’s Criminal Justice System. We are looking for proposals from qualified individuals to conduct this research. Please share our Request for Proposals as broadly as possible. We will be excited to share the results with our readers.