What: The Revisionaries
Where: Dalhousie Student Union Building, 6136 University Avenue, Room 303
When: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 6:30pm
The Revisionaries follows the Texas State Board of Education as they revise their textbook standards. Creationism is brought to the front in the science standards. Historical revisionism is brought to the front in the social studies standards. Join us as we screen this important film. Creationism expert and author of The Creationist Debate, Dr. Arthur McCalla, will host a Q&A session afterwards.
…I discovered a survey stating that half of the American public did not accept the theory of evolution and so I decided to focus my film on a Biology teacher and the lessons on evolution. Not long after I started following these classroom discussions, I learned about the political debate on the State Board of Education in Texas over how evolution would be taught in science and later how the concept of “separation between church and state” would be understood in social studies, among other controversial topics.
— The Revisionaries Director, Scott Thurman