Zack Dumont
Science can be complicated, sometimes controversial, and always intentionally self-correcting. Science changes as we understand more about a topic. This ability to change is not only one of the hallmark characteristics of good science, but deliberately part of its design. Although attacks on science are not new, recently they seem to be amplified as people look for and create the answers they wish to see while rejecting reality.
As a pharmacist, it chills me to see an anti-vaxxer nominated as the Health Secretary of the United States. Vaccines are recognized as one of humanity’s greatest advances. It is estimated that they have saved over 154 million lives in the past 50 years! RFK Jr’s nomination imparts to him a budget of $1.9 trillion (U.S.). His absence of formal education in health or science, combined with his continual attacks on and misinformation about vaccines, threatens to undermine more than 100 years of scientific advances in public healthcare.
This and other appointments present a clear danger to a world which is already losing ground on disease prevention through vaccination, due to a combination of war, poverty, and misinformation.
CFIC has been a long-time staunch advocate of evidence-based, cost-effective vaccination, and the science behind public health efforts. Now, more than ever, CFIC needs your help in its fight to promote scientific literacy, to advocate for good public health information, and to counter the growing tide of misinformation. That’s why I volunteer for CFIC and donate monthly. In 2024, I also made an extra year-end donation to help buoy the fight for science. I hope you will join me.