Our purpose is to support our members and the local community through social activity, educational outreach, activism and collaboration to promote and defend secularism, science, reason, and free inquiry. The members of CFI Saskatoon are atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, freethinkers, skeptics, Brights, and other heathens. You can learn about our upcoming activities right here, on our Meetup site or on our Facebook group. You can also contact us directly by email at saskatchewan@cficanada.ca.
We host a regular meetup presentation and discussion, typically on the third Sunday of each month, at the Venice House in Sutherland. There are also regular pub nights, banned book club meetings, an annual Darwin Day event, and more! Past special events speakers include (the Amazing) James Randi and Christopher DiCarlo. We always welcome new faces, so be sure to check us out! We are also known as the Saskatoon Freethinkers.