Last month, we asked you about what you thought about Critical Links. Here are the results.
There is no new poll this month. We will be continuing “Have Your Say” as an occasional feature; we welcome suggestions for future issues.
Blodwen Piercey: December 3, 1926 — January 12, 2024
Dry Ice Capades: A Kids Science Show (Ottawa)
Update on Omer – CFIC continues the frustrating wait for Omer to arrive.
Tax receipts issued for 2023 donations: If you did not receive your receipt, please contact office@centreforinquiry.ca.
PFI recent episodes:
- The life of a refugee in exile: “Omer” shares his story
- Liberalism in a post-liberal world, with Russell Blackford
- A century of Humanism with Gordon Precious
Volunteer Opportunity: Layout Assistant (Critical Links)
Volunteer Opportunity: Event Logistics Assistant
Fear Not the Dreaded Blue Monday
QuickLinks: Space, fusion, vaccines, modern and ancient dinosaurs
Don’t Like Public Funding of Religious Schools? It’s Time to Get Noisy!
Prayers Research: The Saguenay Project
QuickLinks: Apology for teaching evolution, jail for hurt feelings, municipalities supporting religion
The Cultural Defence: Mitigating Factor or Something Else?
Liberate Canada From What, Tucker?
Keith’s Conundrums: Childhood-like Conundrums
QuickLinks: Lying to children, post-modernism vs. clarity, critical thinking awareness
February Dates of Interest: Darwin Day, Pink Shirt Day, Psychology Month, and Deep Blue beats Kasparov.
Got something you want to say? Check out our Critical Links submission guidelines.