Like many of you, our leadership team sees the incredible harm that is caused by combining religion and politics. Here are their recommendations for re-reads or re-watches related to secularism.
It appears that for much of the Leadership team, the Cost of Religion series and the mainstream media they generated were highlights for 2021. Leslie Rosenblood, was interviewed for a Yahoo! Canada article, and appeared live on Ryan Jespersen to discuss whether churches should pay taxes. He was also quoted in this Saanich News article about the BC Humanist Association’s push to eliminate the clergy housing tax deduction, which costs the federal government approximately $100 million per year. CFIC’s call to end tax breaks for religious groups was published in the Winnipeg Free Press in August.”
Other highlights in the secular category included Critical Links articles:
Change Takes Time. Let’s Get Started. “It addresses this increasing frustration I feel in putting safeguards to rational thinking and helping along the organic death of superstition and religion from our planet. It is bound to happen and the sooner this happens, the quicker we will find a whole bunch of solutions to making this planet a better place for our kids, and their kids, by eliminating religion-based violence (homophobia, sectarian violence, etc.), encouraging medical well-being that religious ideologies thwart (stem-cell research, end of life choices, etc.)”
And the reprint of Richard Thain’s letter to the editor Flagpole is hardly the biggest waste which “highlights the privileged position religion still has in society.”
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