Following is a summary of the CFIC election process. For details, please refer to the Bylaws
An Elections Committee, consisting of at least one Director and two Councillors who are not Directors, shall be appointed by the Board to oversee elections of Councillors and Directors. A minimum of three members of the committee shall oversee each election. Candidates in an
election may not oversee that election.
The elections committee will report to each Annual General Meeting of the Corporation on all
elections held since its last report. All elections shall be held by secret vote. There shall be no term limits for any position.
The Elections Committee shall provide to the Board of Directors and the Councillors a list of those elected no more than one week after the election. After the Board of Directors has received the report of the Elections Committee, the Board may by resolution appoint Friends of
the Centre For Inquiry Canada as Councillors to fill vacant positions until the following annual election, for a term of not more than one year.
Election of Councillors
An election shall be held once per year to select new Councillors. The election will be held inaccordance with the following provisions:
a. The election shall be held at the Corporation’s Annual General Meeting.
b. Each Councillor shall be entitled to vote.
c. Only current members of the Corporation may be nominated for election as a Councillor.
d. All eligible nominees duly nominated by at least two Councillors of the Corporation shall be included on the ballot.
e. The number of Councillor positions to be filled shall be determined by the Elections Committee, such that the total number of Councillors equals 5% of the number of members of the Corporation (as of the first day of the current fiscal year, rounded down
to the nearest whole number).
f. Should the number of qualified candidates be equal to or fewer than the number of vacant positions, all qualified candidates shall be elected by acclamation.
g. Further provisions, including eligibility criteria, as specified in an Elections Policy, which shall be developed and maintained by the Board of Directors.
Election of the Board of Directors
An election shall be held once per year to select new Directors. The election will be held in accordance with the following provisions:
a. The election shall be held at the Corporation’s Annual General Meeting.
b. Each Councillor shall be entitled to vote.
c. Only current members of the Council may be nominated for election as a Director.
d. All eligible Councillors duly nominated by at least two other Councillors of the Corporation shall be included on the ballot.
e. All Directors shall be deemed Councillors for the duration of their term as Directors. Directors shall only remain Councillors beyond their term as Director if they have been elected to a term as a Councillor that extends beyond their term as Director.
f. Director terms shall have duration of two years, except where an election is held to fill the remaining portion of a term.
g. Further provisions, including eligibility criteria, as specified in an Elections Policy, which shall be developed and maintained by the Board of Directors.