A founding principle of CFI Canada is our commitment to education in areas of science, secularism, philosophy and humanism. To that end CFI Canada’s National Office maintains one of the country’s largest dedicated collections of Secular Humanist literature.
For several years (2011–2014), the CFI Canada library was in storage due to lack of space at our College St location. In 2014, with our relocation to 55 Eglinton Avenue East (Suite 307), the full collection has been returned to the office for use by Friends of the Centre for Inquiry Canada and members of the public. Stop by the office to browse and read!
This collection contains books on skepticism, science, humanism, atheism, secularism and all areas of philosophy. All of our materials have been generously donated to our collection over the years and are free to borrow.
If you are interested in borrowing a book for leisure or research, please have a look at our online catalogue below to see what’s available.
CFIC Library Now on Goodreads
CFIC library titles may now be browsed via Goodreads !
Recently Acquired Titles
July 2015
- The Indian Ideology by Perry Anderson
- Blasphemy: A Memoir – Sentenced to Death Over a Cup of Water by Asia Bibi
- Privileged Status: Public Funding, The Surprising History of Ontario Catholic Separate Schools By Reva Landau
To donate a relevant book or artifact please send us an email with your inquiry. Donations of books above an appraised value of $20 will be eligible for a tax receipt.