Centre For Inquiry Canada is sustained by the commitment, passion and energy of many volunteers, members, friends and supporters who care about our work to promote reason, science, skepticism and critical thinking. Collectively CFIC is a community.
As a community, CFIC must honour and remember the dedication and welcome that is offered to each other in work which can often be as challenging and isolating as it is rewarding and fulfilling. CFIC wishes to acknowledge and remember our friends, members, volunteers who have died. Whether they are leaders, one of the gang or only loosely associated with CFIC or the free-thought movement, our connection to these individuals should not be forgotten. Their friendship and inspiration was an dis a meaningful part of our development as individuals and as an organization.
Edward Archer (d. December 2015)
Ed Archer was a long-time volunteer, member and friend of CFI Canada who is remembered by many as a friendly, welcoming presence. Ed was often seen at CFIC events in Toronto quietly doing the essential front-line work to provide the welcome that others needed and appreciated. Ed faced many challenges with and among his family ranging from chronic illnesses to faith-based harassment and isolation.
Dorothy M. Murdock (d. December 25, 2015)
The name Dorothy M. Murdock wasn’t as well known as her pen name Acharya S, but either way, the person that we knew worked very hard to make the world a better place. She was someone who did her best to reason with the unreasonable and tried to expose theistic related human rights atrocities and violations, as well as trying to help people from embarrassing themselves by the act of simply making them think. Dorothy died on December 25, 2015.
Dorothy had a degree in Classics and Greek Civilization, from Franklin & Marshall College. She spoke several languages very fluently and worked on several archaeological excavations throughout the world. She wrote several books on history and religion and her blog contained dozens of web articles with fascinating content. Her online videos were eye-opening exposes of harm in the world and made you think, which was what she wanted people to do. Dorothy had written 600 pages for a new book she hoped and planned to publish. It was one of the many things that she wanted to finish, out of the many things she still wanted to contribute to the world.
To understand what she went through in her final months and to really see her message of reason and peace, following are links to her fight for life and some links that she used to fight ignorance with reason and fight for human rights and stopping human atrocities.
This link is for individuals who would like to help her family, including her 13-year old son, out in their difficult time. Dorothy Murdock, for some of our members should be remembered as one of the strongest fighters for secularism and reason who ever lived.
Avijit Roy (d. February 2015)
More details to follow. See our Bangladesh campaign and work, which Avijit’s murder has been significantly influenced.
Herbert Carl Fears
Herbert Fears was a CFIC member in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Dagmar Gontard-Zelinkova (d. August 12, 2014)
Dagmar Gontard-Zelinkova was a member of CFIC from it’s earliest beginnings. See the Canadian Atheist post of October 2014 celebrating Dagmar’s work.
Schreiber Pereira (November 10, 1984 – July 22 2014)
Schreiber was one of CFIC’s earliest volunteers and members.
George Baker
George Baker was a founding member of CFIC. George’s commitment, organization and support were essential to bringing the leaders of several organizations together to establish a new voice for science and reason. Read Don Cullen’s recollections of the founding of CFI Canada.
Dr. Robert Buckman
More details coming soon.
Dr. Henry Morgentaler
More details coming soon.